Friday, September 21, 2007

Alright, now we're rollin'

The fruits of 1 week of vacation - family reunion, almost finishing a pair of socks, fixing my sister's computer and re-inventing(re-starting) the blog. (just in time for my Ravelry invite to arrive and me to return to a busy work schedule so I can abandon it again.)

Woolgirl Sock Club - how do I love thee let me count the ways... fun extras, neat pattern, beautiful yarn, fantastic shop owner/coordinator. Granted, its my first sock club so I don't have much to compare it to, but its been really neat. Even more exciting is that my sister and I both are doing it. Seeing as she is a monogomous knitter with only one project at a time, and I'm a bit of a yarn ho (lets see... is 5 projects on needles too much?!?) I jumped in and started the socks. One down, one in the middle of the gusset.

Don't my new sock and pretty namaste bag look soooo good together? (Melissa, don't you just want to go out and buy one of these bags RIGHT NOW!!!?) First I was a yarn ho, now I'm a crack, um, I mean, bag, pusher.

More of the woolgirl sock on flickr group of pics on the blog.

And now on to highlight the mutant socks, since Melissa won't do it herself. Let's give credit first, they were short row toe and heel socks... even I haven't gone there yet. But, well, it's important to start the next heel close to were the first one was start...if not, you end up with mutant socks. But they are made with love so I'm sure her 5 year old won't mind.

and finally.... I'm number 488 on the Ravelry queue..... It feels a little wrong to be this excited, but I am.

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