Saturday, March 31, 2007

Finished object (singular)

I finished one of my Fetching wristwarmers!! I did cast on and work a few rows of the 2nd one, but couldn't wait to get started on the Thuja socks that I bought the yarn for yesterday, so I did the cuff and started on the seed stitch rib for those tonight instead. I am following all the posts I've seen and advise I got to knit them on size 4 DPN even though pattern calls for size 6. A little worried because at this point to get the cuff around my calf will probably have to really stretch and I've got size 10 feet... but I'm going to have faith. Worst case scenario, I give them to someone with smaller feet like my dear sister or nieces... (shhh... Melissa, don't read that part) ;-)


I really dig the fetchings - I lengthened the hand part by a few rows and also the thumb section. Naturally I have to make the second one match the first, but I think for the next pair I make (and there will be another) I'll skip the picot bind-off and keep the extra length, maybe even add another cable at the fingers. I alternate between really liking the look of the picot and really not liking it. I guess how I make the second pair depends on how my most recent feeling at the time. Although I like the Lion Brand Wool-ease (definitely cheaper) I would like to try a pair with the Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran. Naturally, I really feel like hitting the yarn store tomorrow to pick a color, but I probably should finish the other 3-4 projects I have.

Friday, March 30, 2007

LYS sale = stash

I had pledged not to build a 'stash', that is not to collect yarn for future projects because I already have a large quilting fabric/project backlog. My LYS sale tested my resolve. I think I did okay.... here are my purchases, and rationalizations.... (I just realized the beauty of the blog shared with my sister - my very disciplined, non-stash-oriented sister - it's like accountability therapy for me!)


1) Cotton Rich - Cascade yarns, a new yarn at my local shop - very soft, mashine wash/dryable. The project: baby bib and two-color mason-dixon burp cloth. The rationalization: I was planning on a project for a baby boy due in 5 weeks.... (never mind that I have a blue-toned Peaches 'n Cream ball just sitting there..... waiting.....)

2) Artyarn Supermerino- The project: my first pair of socks. The rationalization: As I was talking to a experienced knitter (and sock guru) at the yarn store, she pointed me toward this yarn and the Thuja pattern on She said it was a good beginner project, and, gosh darn it, I believe her. Thuja Pattern

3) Online Supersocke cotton - Beach color 945 - The project: my second pair of socks. The rationalization: Naturally, I'll finish my first pair of socks, I only have 3 projects before that... and then I'll do these.... and they aren't real socks until they are knit in fingering weight (says the little yarn ho demon in my head).

I would have had a #4 but luckily for my wallet, they only had one skein of Cherry Tree Hill Merino Silk DK which, I have decided, will be the yarn I use when I eventually knit a Clapotis. Granted, I haven't ever had a skein of Lion & Lamb in my hot little hands, but it just seems so expensive.

And all day I was planning on blogging about the decision between knitting a project for yourself or someone else... maybe another day for a treatise on id vs. ego.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My new knitting bag

- Knitting bagcase.jpgThis really is to post a FO for my sister, but it now belongs to me, so I get to write about it.

I went to a recent visit to see my sis with a strong desire for a knitting bag. It took a discipline I rarely use to NOT purchase a fancy, and expensive ready-made knitting bag. Good thing I didn't, because on a trip to a fantastic fabric store, we found knitting themed fabric....that fabric, coupled with the always amazing sewing talents of my sis yielded this great knitting bag and needle case. It's got a lot of pockets, and the needle case has a place to hold row counters, tip protectors and stitch markers. Now I can take my knitting out with me without stuffing it in a purse!

I'll have to let Melissa post with details of the pattern that served as the base for the project, though I know she did some improvisation


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The first blog post....

The first blog post - being the 'techy' sister, I'll get this started and hopefully I won't be the only poster, after a while of course....

I uploaded to flickr some pics of my most ambitous knitting project to date. It started as a simple booga bag inspired by a knitting shop near my mom. But since it was a present for my dear sister, of course I had to raise the bar a little. I added some plastic canvas to support the base and sides, added a fabric lining, some grommets, a magnetic snap and a clip for keys. Now I just have to make one for myself.... it has 20 rows to go, still on the circular needles - and naturally I have gotten distracted to another project. Any bets on when I'll actually finish it?!?

finishedbag1 (more pics on flickr)
Project: Booga Bag

Yarn: Noro Kureyon (I'll have to go look up the colorway)

Needles: 10 1/2 circulars

Modifications: a lining, grommets for the straps, magnetic closure
lined bag
